Sunday, January 8, 2017



1   the present and future

Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the verbs in the box.

come       get       make       recognise       research       take      

Jorge takes after his father in so many ways.

1   I _________ in touch with my cousins when I go to Canada next year as we’ve never met.

2   Sally _________ her family history at the moment.

3   I’m sure I _________ Dan even though it’s been some time since we last saw each other.

4   Jack _________ over again after the awful way you treated him.

5   Unfortunately Lucia _________ a good impression when you first meet her.

2   the past

Underline the correct words in italics.

I was waiting/had waited for the bus when I saw Maria for the first time.

1   By the time we got/were getting to the cinema, the film had already started.

2   As soon as I heard the news I was calling/called my neighbours.

3   I didn’t know that you were meeting/had met Lucas before.

4   Jana was cooking/cooked supper when Marek called to say he’d be late.

5   I had never said/was never saying that I could help so why was Anna so upset?

3   obligation and ability

Look at the underlined phrases and rewrite them using modal verbs.

It wasn’t obligatory to do sport every day when we were at school.
We didn’t have to do sport every day when we were at school.

1   It is forbidden to use flash photography in here.
     You _____________________________ flash photography in here.

2   It wasn’t a good idea to forget Harry’s birthday.
     You _____________________________ Harry’s birthday.

3   Did you manage to get through to George?
     Were _____________________________ get through to George?

4   It’s a good idea to learn a few new words every day.
     You _____________________________ a few new words every day.

5   It’s necessary to be respectful to your elders.
     You _____________________________ respectful to your elders.


4   family/relationships

Complete the sentences using one word in each gap.

As they say, you should never judge a book by its cover.

1   Karel made a very good ________ on us as soon as he walked into the room.

2   Peter can sometimes ________ across as being quite arrogant when he’s nervous.

3   I’m very lucky to have very pleasant ________ at work and we all get on pretty well.

4   ________ rivalry is not something I’ve ever suffered from as I’m an only child.

5   I wouldn’t say that Julia is a friend exactly – she’s more of an ________ really.

5   ways of speaking

Complete the words. 

I’ll call you next week so we can have a good chat.

1   Peter always g _ _ _ _ _ me like a long-lost friend whenever he sees me.

2   I’m not very good at making s _ _ _ _ talk.  I don’t really see the point of it.

3   When you give someone a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , you can immediately see how much they appreciate what you’ve said.

4   I can never understand Mark because he always m _ _ _ _ _ _ .

5   I tend to s _ _ _ _ _ _ over my words when I’m nervous.

6   adjectives/nouns

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Tim’s extremely intellectual so I often feel rather stupid when I’m with him.  (intellect)

1   Looking after you is not my ___________. (responsible)

2   Cath is the most ___________ member of the family. (art)

3   Did you ever experience ___________ as a child? (lonely)

4   Our teachers were very ___________ at bringing out the best in us.  (skill)

5   ___________ is a very unattractive trait.  (jealous)

7   phrasal verbs (relationships)

Replace the underlined phrases with a suitable phrasal verb.

I’ve always respected my aunt as she was a very strong woman.       looked up to

1   I wish you wouldn’t boast so much about all your money.           _________

2   Jack has had an argument with his wife again.                              _________

3   Do you resemble your mother at all?                                             _________

4   My parents raised me to be hard-working and self-sufficient.      _________

5   I think I have a good relationship with most of my family.          _________

How to…

9   make a good first impression

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

great / you / to / It’s / meet                              It’s great to meet you.

1   you / to / Nice / meet / too
     _________________________________________ .

2   before / you / Spanish / Have / classes / any / done
     _________________________________________ .

3   today / did / here / How / get / you
     _________________________________________ .

4   must / sorry / I / go / I’m / really
     _________________________________________ .

5   soon / See / again / you
     _________________________________________ .

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