Monday, September 21, 2015

Pre-Int.      Unit: 1-5                Skill: REVIEW                                                   By: Belinda Zavala

1   Present Simple : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Mike doesn’t like getting up early.   (-)  (like)
1   How often _______ you _______ a newspaper?   (read)
2   Sally _______ for a swim every Wednesday.   (+)  (go)
3   We _______ television at the weekend.   (-)  (watch)
4   Why _______ Luke _______ his emails every five minutes?   (check)
5   My grandmother _______ a nap after lunch every afternoon.   (+)  (have)

2   adverbs of frequency: Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place.
We go to concerts.  (never)                We never go to concerts.
1   Julia is late for work.   (always)                     __________________________________ .
2   My neighbours play tennis.  (a couple of times a week)     __________________________________ 3   I am busy on Tuesday evenings.  (usually)              __________________________________ .
4   You do any exercise.  (never)            __________________________________ .
5   Steve has a holiday in the sun.  (at least once a year)     __________________________________ .

3   Present Simple or Present Continuous? : Underline the correct words in italics.
What do you do/are you doing at the moment?
1   I don’t know/am not knowing the answer to your question.
2   Dad reads/is reading a magazine so don’t talk to him.
3   I go/am going for a swim every time I’m stressed.
4   How often do you go/are you going to the cinema?
5   We enjoy/are enjoying our holiday because Italy is a beautiful country.

4   verb-noun phrases about daily routine : Complete the sentences with a suitable verb.
Hans takes the train at 7:30 every morning.
1   I usually _______ to the radio when I’m driving to work.
2   Chris _______ television every day.
3   Teenagers often _______ shopping at the weekends.
4   I always _______ a lie-in on Sundays.
5   We hardly ever _______ for a walk together.

5   going out: Complete the words.
Jana often goes to the cinema because she loves films.
1   I never go c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because I don’t like dancing or loud music.
2   We go to m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because we love the theatre and singing.
3   In the winter a lot of people go i _ _  s _ _ _ _ _ _ on the river near our house.
4   I go to every e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the National Gallery because I love paintings.
5   When we visit other cities we usually go on a guided t _ _ _ so we can learn about the history and culture of the place.

6   describing your day and lifestyle
Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box.  There are two extra words.
     boring       busy       exciting       fun       lazy       relaxing       stressful       unusual
Tom is always so busy.  He never has time to relax.
1   My life is quite _______ because I do the same thing every day.
2   Dan’s job is very _______ because he’s a doctor so he works long hours and doesn’t sleep much.
3   Mark is so _______ .   He doesn’t do anything.
4   I have an ______ job because every day is different.
5   My weekends are usually very _______ because I have a lie-in and then I read the newspapers and watch television.  Perfect!

1   Past Simple :Write complete sentences using the prompts.
What / you / buy / at the supermarket?          What did you buy at the supermarket?
1   We / not sell / our old car last year               __________________________________ .
2   I / see / a good film yesterday                      __________________________________ .
3   Sarah / teach / English / for twenty years      __________________________________ .
4   Paul / be / a good ice hockey player              __________________________________ .
5   When / you / leave / the US?                         __________________________________ .

2   Present Perfect Simple: experience : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box.
                   do              eat              see              not be              read              hear
We’ve done a lot of grammar exercises this week.
1   _______ you ever _______ of a band called Midlake? They’re really good.
2   I _______ to many countries because I don’t like flying.
3   Jack _______ Mariah Carey in concert three times.
4   I _______ all the Harry Potter books – I love fantasy books.
5   _______ you ever _______ sushi?

3   questions : Complete the dialogues with question words or phrases.
A: When did you go to Canada?                                         
B: In 2005.
1   A:  _______ did you become a doctor?               B:  I wanted to help people.             
2   A:  _______ did your iPhone cost?                     B:   $400.                                          
3   A:  _______ did the concert last?                                    B:  Almost 3 hours.                           
4   A: _______ do you go swimming?                      B: Once a week.                               
5   A:  _______ were you born?                                B:  In Amsterdam                             

4   music : Put the letters in the correct order to make music words.
talin                                          Latin
1   cheton                               _______
2   slaclasci                             _______
3   gragee                                _______
4   avyeh latme                       _______
5   tunryco                              _______

5   music: Complete the music words.
Ist Chris Martin the lead singer with Coldplay?
1   What are they singing about?  I can’t understand any of the l _ _ _ _ _ .
2   There are usually about twelve songs on an a _ _ _ _ .
3   Robbie Williams was in a band called Take That before he left and went s _ _ _ .
4   Mozart is my favourite c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .  I love the music he wrote for the piano.
5        Their last record was a f _ _ _ and didn’t sell many copies.

6   achievements: Choose the correct words in italics.
I learned to speak/talk French and German when I was at school.
1   I’ve always made/done a lot of work for charity.
2   I wanted to earn/take a lot of money when I was young.
3   I passed/did my driving test yesterday. I’m so pleased.
4   I did/won an award for journalism when I was a student.
5   When I was twenty-five I said/gave a speech at an international conference.

1   be going to: future plans : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box.
           have            come            move            buy            organise            visit
Marco ’s going to have a gap year before he goes to university.
1   I _________ a new car this year because I don’t have any money.
2   _________ you _________ your cousins in Norway this summer?
3   We _________ soon because our house is too small.
4   I _________ a surprise party for Erica because it’s her birthday on Saturday.
5   Ben and Carol _________ for dinner this evening because they’re very busy at work.

2   Present Continuous: future arrangements : Write complete sentences using the prompts.
I / not / see / Peter this evening                    
I’m not seeing Peter this evening.
1   you / play tennis / on Saturday                 __________________________________________ .
2   We / go / to the new Indian restaurant tomorrow              _______________________________________ .
3   Why / you / not / come to my party          __________________________________________ ?
4   We / invite / our new neighbours / over this weekend     __________________________________ .
5   Tom / not / go / to Australia now             __________________________________________ .

4   cooking and eating: Complete each sentence with one word.
Fish and chips is the traditional dish of England.
1   I’m _______ to nuts so I can’t eat them at all.
2   I’m going to start a _______ tomorrow because I want to lose some weight.
3   We’d like to order our meal, so could we have the _______ please?
4   I’m a _______ so I don’t eat meat or fish.
5   Can you give me your chocolate cake _______ – it’s so delicious.

5   describing food : Complete the sentences with the words from the box.  There are three extra words.
   baked       boiled       fresh       fried       raw       roast       savoury       spicy       sweet
My father cooks roast beef every Sunday.
1   I bought lots of _______ fruit and vegetables at the market yesterday.
2   The Japanese eat sushi which is _______ fish.  This can be quite strange if you haven’t tried it before.
3   I love _______ food like Indian and Thai curries.
4   Michael likes _______ food so he always has a dessert when we go out.
5   _______ food isn’t healthy because there’s a lot of fat in it.

1   comparative adjectives: Write complete sentences using the prompts.
You / intelligent / me                                    
You’re more intelligent than me.
1   Dan / big / his brother                               __________________________________ .
2   English / easy / German                            __________________________________ .
3   Rock music / loud / classical music          __________________________________ .
4   My exam results / good / Claudia’s          __________________________________ .
5   Pasta / tasty / rice                                      __________________________________ .

3   indirect questions: Complete the indirect questions.
Does Martin work here?                    Do you know if/whether Martin works here ?
1   Where did Jack go?                      Do you know _____________________ ?
2   Has Stephen got a penknife?        Can you tell me _____________________ ?
3   What time does the post office open?      Do you know _____________________ ?
4   Why is Julia always late?              Can you tell me _____________________ ?
5   Can I use your computer?             Do you mind _____________________ ?

4   survival : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box.
      achieve               build               control               cope               push               rely
You really have to push yourself when you’re tired and cold.
1   We _______ a shelter in the forest so we didn’t get wet when it rained.
2   You have to _______ your fear if you want to succeed.
3   When you _______ your goals you feel fantastic.
4   It’s important to _______ on your own strength.
5   We all _______ with fear in different ways.

5   describing people : Choose the correct words in italics.
Max is very fit/talented because he trins every day.
1   Fran is very confident/reliable. She always does what she says she’ll do.
2   Neil isn’t afraid of anything. He’s really determined/brave.
3   Barbara is so funny/confident. She always makes us laugh when things are hard.
4   Charles is a good person to have on the team. He’s very talented/motivated and always helps us keep trying when we don’t think we can do something.
5   Peter’s very generous/intelligent. He often buys us presents and pays for our meals.

6   survival equipment :Complete the words for things you would take on a camping trip.
t e n t     
1   t _ _ _ h                 2   b _ _ _ k _ t _                    3   s _ i _ s _ _ s                      4   p _ _ k _ i f _        
5   f i _ _ _ - a _ d   k _ _      

1   should, have to, can: obligation and permission: Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the modal verbs in brackets.
It’s a good idea to write down all the new words you learn.   (should)
You should write down all the new words you learn.
1   It’s illegal to learn to drive before you’re seventeen in the UK.   (can)
2   You need to study hard to get into a good university.   (have)
3   It isn’t a good idea to eat so much junk food.   (should)
4   It isn’t necessary to call me every day when you’re away.   (have)
5   In the UK, it’s OK to get married when you’re sixteen if your parents agree.   (can)
2   Present Perfect Simple: for and since : Complete the sentences with for or since.
I’ve lived in this house for ten years.
1   We haven’t seen Chris _______ New Year’s Day.
2   I’ve known Pat _______ ages.
3   I’ve been a vegetarian _______ I was a child.
4   Maria has had English lessons every day _______ she moved to Australia.
5   Nicola hasn’t had a job _______ a long time.

4   times of life: Put the times of life in the correct order.
 baby    middle-aged person    toddler    retired person    young adult    adolescent    child

baby        1 _____        2 _____        3 _____        young adult        4 _____        5 _____

5   life activities: Match the verbs from A with the phrases from B.

1   earn
a   a place of your own
2   learn
b   your grandchildren
3   look after
c   a good salary
4   get
d   children
5   have
e   to drive

6   friendship:Complete each sentence with a preposition.
I love catching up with friends after I’ve been away for a while.
1   I’ve lost touch _______ everyone I was at school with.
2   Promise you’ll keep _______ touch when you move.
3   I never got _______ with my neighbours – they were so unfriendly.
4   Jane got _______ touch with me last week after years of silence.
5   I don’t want to fall _______ with you over such a stupid little thing.

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