Thursday, October 22, 2015



A.- Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in brackets

1. If the hotel facilities ............................ (not / be) goodl .......................... (not /book) a room.
02. Our boss ............................. (send) us home if we  ............................ (not/wear) a suit in the office.
03. If your car ............................. (not / start ), my father ................................ (give) you a lift.
04. ..................... she ...................... (go) to the lake if it .............................. (not / be) sunny at the weekend?
05. If he ........................ ( gamble ) a lot , he .......................... (be) soon broke.

06. If you .................. (leave) me , l ......................(kill) myself.

B.  Make negative and interrogative sentences as in the example:

 He usually reads in the evening.
 He wasn’t reading when l saw him yesterday.
 Was he reading when you saw him?
01. He usually practises the piano in the mornings.
02. They usually play chess in the afternoons.
03. She usually does her shopping on Saturday mornings.
04. He usually goes home after work.

C. Past Continuous and Past Simple

Write complete sentences using the prompts and the Past Continuous or Past Simple.
I / drive / home / when it / start / to rain
I was driving home when it started to rain.
 1   I / watch / TV / when the phone / ring
     ____________________________________________ .
 2   While I / look through my photos / Rachel play computer games ____________________________________________ .
 3   We / talk about Katie / when she / come over
 ____________________________________________ .
 4   While / Marco / play tennis / it / start / to rain
 ____________________________________________ .
 5   Where / you / go / when I / see you yesterday    _

D. Active or Passive ?

1.Portuguese ( speaks / is spoken ) in Brazil.
2. Mickey (calls / is called )Topolino“ in Italian and “Mi Lo Shu“ in Chinese.

E. Change the sentences into passive
1. We usually lock the safe.
2. Somebody calls the president at 9 a.m. every day.
3. Hurricanes destroy a lot of properties yearly.
4. Martha delivers the documents to the department.
5. The company orders new equipment every two years.
6. How much money  do they spend on junk food every year?

F.  stop, try, remember: gerunds and infinitives

 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
from the box.
 spend   be  book    drink   buy     finish
 Please stop being so aggressive.

1   I’ll try _______ this article today because I know it’s urgent.
 2   Did you remember _______ a table for this evening?
 3   Anna stopped _______ a bottle of water before the meeting.
 4   Why don’t you try _______ hot milk before you go to bed if you can’t sleep?
 5   I remember _______ a lot of time with my cousins when we were young.

G.Parts of the body
 Put the words in the correct column.
 ankle    eye    forehead    ear    finger    elbow    palm    knee    wrist    lips    thumb
   hand     leg    head    arm 

H. Describing appearance
 Choose the correct answer.
 I’m very _______ so I have to be careful when I go out in the sun.
a   fair-skinned  b   dark-skinned  c   attractive

 1   Both of Jason’s parents are of medium height – around 1 metre 70 centimetres, but he is 1 metre 90 centimetres which is very __
a   short  b   tall  c   fat

 2   I can’t believe how _______ Jenny is. She’s lost so much weight.
a   tall  b   skinny  c   short

3   Dan does a lot of sport. That’s why he has such ____ legs.
a   muscular  b   overweight  c   ugly

4   Doctors are worried about the number of children who are now ___ because they eat too much junk food and don’t exercise.  
a   overweight  b   slim  c   muscular

5   Men who become models are usually tall, slim and ___
a   beautiful  b   ugly  c   handsome

I. Speed
 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. There are four extra words.
 down                immediately                speed                on the go                rush  in a hurry                top                speeding                your time                limit
 You should slow down because you’re driving too fast.

 1   Take _______ . We don’t have to hurry.
 2   I think the speed _______ here is 100 kmph.
 3   Dad is always _______ . He doesn’t like to sit down and relax.
 4   I don’t like driving in the _______ hour because there are too many cars and buses.
 5   Can you be quick please? I’m _______ . J. Measurements 

J. Write the measurements in words.
 9 ¾ minutes  nine and three-quarter minutes

1   32.9 centimetres  _____________ centimetres

2150 kilometres per hour  ______________  kilometres per hour. 

3   4.18 seconds  _______________ seconds

4   2 ½ kilograms  _______________ kilograms

5   1,576 metres  _______________ metres


A.Participle clauses for sequencing Complete the sentences using an appropriate form of the verbs in the box.finish       get       leave       walk       waste       witness         
 Before leaving the house, I always make sure the back door is locked. 1   Having _______ the accident, Jim immediately called the police. 2   After _______ her book, Hannah went to bed. 3   While _______ their dog, Chris and Linda came across a burnt out car. 4   Having _______ hours trying to fix his bike, Marek finally gave up. 5   After _______ her exam results, Jana went out to celebrate.
B.Complete the sentences using a suitable modal and thecorrect form of the verbs in brackets.You can’t know (know) John. He says he’s never met you before. 1. Petra __________ (see) what happened because she was right there. 2. Laura __________ (sue) the police for wrongful arrest     She hasn’t decided yet. 3. Oh no, I think I __________ (leave) my keys in the front   door! 4   Jack __________ (forget) to insure his car because he’s  so organised about things like that. 5. Bill __________ (love) his job as he spends so much time at work!

C. Relative clauses
 Underline the relative pronouns which can be omitted.
 What did you think of the detective who I introduced you to?

1   The policeman who took my statement was very pleasant.

2The person that I saw in the supermarket was acting very  suspiciously.

3The judge, who sentenced my neighbour yesterday, is an  old friend of mine.
 4. The insurance policy which you took out recently seems  very expensive.
 5   The thief, who was known to the police, managed to get away.

4   crime 
Complete the sentences with one word.
 According to the law, you’re innocent until proven guilty.
 1   I had to pay a __ as I’d parked in a ‘no parking’ zone.
 2   There were no __to the crime so the police have very  little to go on.
 3   Every week the _________ in the bus shelter is painted over. I don’t know why people feel the need to spray clean walls with black paint.
 4   The criminal’s _________ were all over the weapon so he obviously hadn’t thought to wear gloves.
 5   The young man was given a _________ sentence but if he commits another crime, he’ll end up going to prison.

E.Law and insurance
 Choose the correct answer (a, b or c).
 You need to ________ a claim if you want compensation.
a   make  b   get  c   sue
 1   Last week the judge ___the young woman to two years’ imprisonment.
a   convicted  b   sentenced  c   arrested
 2   Do you really think you’ll ___ away with this?
a   make  b   get  c   put
 3   I’m intending to __ the local hospital for negligence.
a   pay  b   convict  c   sue
 4   Dave admitted to___ fraud and is going on trial soon.
a   committing  b   making  c   insuring
 5   Jack __ of dangerous driving after he hit a cyclist.
a   was sentenced    b   admitted  c   was convicted

F. Compound adjectives
 Correct the underlined words.
 That material is certainly not blaze-proof.  fire
 1   Would you like to have this perfume present-wrapped?    ______
 2   Whenever I’m nervous I get incredibly tongue-knotted  ______
 3   That excuse sounds rather long-fetched to me.      ______
 4   The thief was caught red-fingered______
 5   Barry is so pig-minded – he’ll never listen to anyone.    ______

G. News headlines
 Underline the correct words in italics.

Commuters backed/hit by 24-hour rail strike.

1   Government to axe/quit thousands of jobs.

2   Villagers escape pub aid/blaze.

3   Protesters clash/blast with police.

4   Plea/Drama for calm goes unheard.

5   No bid/aid for farmers.